Seminars / Conferences

SUTD Master of Architecture Guest Lecture by Executive Director of teco (Chie Konno) on 10th August 2023

Chie Konno, an architect with a PhD from the Tokyo Institute of Technology and learned the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Chie runs the Tokyo-based architectural design office “t e c o”, which has worked on projects not only throughout Japan but also in Asia and Europe. Along with architectural design of housing, welfare facilities and public facilities, she is also involved in urban development and art installations, attempting to create spaces that cut cross mechanisms and existing institutions. In addition to her architectural practice, she is currently a specially-appointed associate professor at the Kyoto Institute of Technology, where she simultaneously conducts urban research and constructs architectural theories for the future in her own laboratory. Main works; the house “Sunny Loggia House” won the 2012 Tokyo Society of Architects & Building Engineers, Residential Architecture Gold Prize, the 2014 Architectural Institute of Japan Award for New Designer of the Year. And the community cultural center “Kasugadai Center Center” won the Architectural Institute of Japan Award in 2023.

To register:

10 August 2023 , 10:00 am - 11:00 am SGT

SUTD Lecture Theatre 2

Complimentary event but pre-registration is required