SIA GOLD Medal Awards 2025
The SIA GOLD medal is the highest honour the Singapore Institute of Architects bestows on a senior architect to recognize his/her lifetime contribution to architecture and his/her distinguished service to the architectural profession. He/She would have attained a respected standing in the society and has made sustained and substantial contribution to architecture and the profession. All nominations must be made on the SIA GOLD Medal Nomination Form. To download the Nomination Form and Submission Requirements, please click here.
SIA GOLD Medal Awards 2025 Jury

Ar. Raymond Woo
Gold Medallist 2023

Ms. Tracey Hwang
Registrar for the Board of Architects, Singapore; Director for Urban Design in the Urban Redevelopment Authority, Singapore

Ar. Melvin Tan
President of the Singapore Institute of Architects, 64th Council

Mr. Lim Eng Hwee
CEO of the Urban Redevelopment Authority, Singapore

Dr. Wong Yunn Chii
Honorary fellow of the Department of Architecture, College of Design and Engineering at NUS
The SIA Council is pleased to invite nominations from SIA Members for the SIA GOLD Medal Award 2025. All nominees must be SIA Members , who support the objectives and activities of the Institute.
All nominations must be made on the SIA GOLD Medal Nomination Form. To download the Nomination Form and Submission Requirements, please click here.
Completed Nomination Form with all related materials should be submitted to goldmedal_awards@sia.org.sg, with the subject "GOLD Medal Awards 2025 Submission_(insert name of nominated architect)".
Closing date for nomination is 31 March 2025, 12 noon. We look forward to receiving your nominations!
For any clarifications, please drop an email to goldmedal_awards@sia.org.sg by 07 March 2025.
The Council may, at its discretion, support, deter or reject any nomination received and/or make additional nominations, and shall not be bound to give any reason or specify any ground for doing so.