SR Tubo LED Projector Light

The SR Tubo is a versatile yet compact LED projector for landscape lighting. Designed by our seasoned lighting professionals, the Tubo offers optimal light output and is packed with a wide range of lenses, filters and mounting brackets, portable and easy to install — a true plug and play system.

About the brand

LuxConex is an international lighting manufacturer with our headquarters in Singapore. We market our luminaires through our own brand, "SR". We take pride in our design engineering, ensuring both performance and reliability, while incorporating market requirements into our products. Our SR luminaires meet market specifications across the world in over 17 countries.

Lighting has a significant impact on our daily activities. Optimal lighting boosts productivity, enhances mood, and makes tasks more enjoyable. Lighting design is a creative and technical process that merges art and science. LuxConex illuminates connections by providing the most refined, innovative, and reliable lighting solutions available in the market. Wherever you go, we are the light.


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